South Albany High School
Staff - South Albany High, 1974

South Albany High School

Staff of South Albany High School in 1974
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Teachers Left to right: Lloyd Heacock-Math; Becky Schenck-English; Vic Curl-Auto Shop; Del Moore-Agriculture; Lyle Shibley-Social Science; Allen Rogers-Social Sciences/Counselor; Terry Laininger-Math; Harvey Moore-Metal Shop; Gail Craig-English; Gordon Seese-Special Opportunities; Bruce Jeffries-French; June Swedberg-Typing; Sharon Martin-Home Economics; Jim Figoni-English; Kathy Bond-Home Economics; Richard Sabatka-Special Education; Roland Carpenter-Math/Counselor; Ruth Borg-English; Darle West-Band; Jerry Belcher-Biology; Diane Jenkins-Home Economics; Bob Christensen-Math; Gary McClain-Biology; Don Brash-Biology; Ed Bryant-Science; Gene Schmidt-Business, Ray Kauffman-Social Science;Doug Killin-English; Doug Rasmussen-Math/Science; Pat Archibald-PE/Health; Maggie Birch- PE/Health; Bob McMaster-English, Doug Gore-Social Science; Craig Chamberlain--Crafts; Eugene Briggs-Art; Bob Clough-Math/Athletic Director; Dale Snippen-Math/Crafts

Not pictured: Karen Angel-Business, Judy Bassett-English; Jan Bateman-English; Marilyn Peterson-Latin; Ken Elwood-Shop; Paul Gonzales-Spanish; Warren Good-Music; Bob Harrington-Social Science; Mike Mitchell-PE/Health; James O'Donnell=Electronics; James Patterson-Social Sciences; Fred Sandgren-Social Sciences; Lamont Simons-PE/Health; John Veliotes-Drafting

Principal and Vice Principal
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Principal Alvin Mulikin and Vice Principal Duane Hedy

Photos scanned from the 1974 South Albany High yearbook.
Please contact us if we have any errors in the photo captions or names.

This web site was created for the 30 year reunion of the Class of 1974. Information about other reunions is provided as a courtesy, but we are not responsible for the accuracy of that information. Website design and hosting donated by Wind River Web Services. All photos copyright 2004, Wind River Web Services, may not be used without permission. Please contact webmaster Dawn Ballou,, 541-924-5729, Albany, Oregon, for more information about this website.